HUM TV Jadoo

HUM Tv is a Pakistani channel, providing TV Dramas, Morning Shows as well as Entertainment 24/7.

If you are outside the US, you Should be able to access HUM TV from the standard content listings within the Jadoo Box. You should go to Live TV and Choose All and select "HUM TV".

To Viewers in USA, Can anyone confirm that HUM TV is NOT in the LIVE TV section? Because Viewers from OUTSIDE USA have reported that HUM TV is in the LIVE TV Section.

Please post as a comment, whether you have HUM TV and your location.

I have a feeling that JADOO TV is blocking HUM TV from all IP addresses who show USA as a location.



Anonymous said...

What you have said is true for US. I found that a friend in Canada still has HUM TV available as standard content. That said, is there a way to add HUM TV in US within myjadoo option?

Anonymous said...

I am in outside USA and I do get HUM TV in Live TV Section. May be its only people who live in USA.

Anonymous said...

plzzzzzzzz put hum tv 4 usa people .....

Anonymous said...

In US i am in las vegas Hum Tv not in live Tv channels

Anonymous said...

i am in US thier is no HUM TV i live channels of JADOO.

Anonymous said...

yes, we r in usa n thr is not hum tv in live channels ....but tell us how we watch hum plzzzzzzz

AMR said...

no humtv here.

Anonymous said...

we r in usa n thr no hum tv in live channels so tell us how we put in live channels , thanx if jadoo tv put hum tv in live channels..........

Anonymous said...

add hum live for usa!!!

Anonymous said...

none of the streaming website working

Anonymous said...

Let's do things legally by BUYING a subscription from a satellite carrier that pays money to these channels. The tv channels streamed via jadoo tv never get the funds they deserve.

Anonymous said...

no Hum tv for USA.pLZ PUT IT BACK

Anonymous said...

hum tv not for use coz of IP but who had shava and jadoo 3 they had hum tv how ? they had IP add r also usa hmmm .........

Anonymous said...

i am in houston and we dont have a HUM channel on Jadoo2.. if anyone knows how to add this channel plz help.

Anonymous said...

I am in New York and have Jadoo2. i dont have HUM, GEO and Masala TV. Why is Jadoo TV blocking them.

Anonymous said...

none of the channels here.. so how do U change your location on jadoo if they r showing in canada..?

Anonymous said...

did any one ans all above q ........

Anonymous said...

no hum tv, geo, ary, tv one in usa.... jadoo tv block all these channels......

Anonymous said...

I am in USA and i am getting HUM TV on jadoo.

Anonymous said...

Jadoo Plus anyone?

Anonymous said...

I am in NY and they said it will come back on Jadoo 2 only, but if it's on 2 there must be a way for Jadoo 1

Anonymous said...

hum TV just got back on Jadoo plus!

Anonymous said...

I am in USA, and we had no good channels like HUM TV, GEO or ARY.. but just noticed last night that HUM TV was the first channel on Jadoo Plus! Good for us! :)

Anonymous said...

guys, i am in canada and hum tv stopped working

Any advise?

Anonymous said...

I am in Canada. I few guys they are still watching Geo, ARY, HUM on jadoo 1. and I was the one who also see these Geo TV, Geo news, ARY digital, express tv on my jadoo1 but buy mistake i resat as a factory after that no more these channel

Anonymous said...

now Jadoo 1 is a garbage.... throw it immediatelyyy !!!

Anonymous said...

the channel hum tv works in Canada, but unfortunately jadoo wont release back the channel because they insist that we buy the latest one. what if we don't want the new on and want to stick to the old jadoo? all the channels we used to watch (ex hum tv) don't even work anymore!! im so depressed!! :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

no hum tv on dishnetwork....dont know how jadoo works and where doiget the jadooplus and what is the difference can you record on jadoo and watch missed episodes.....please help sodepressed

Anonymous said...

jadoo is the biggest ripoff; dont waste your $ into this product

Unknown said...

If no hum tv on jadoo then no more jadoo I don't want it

Unknown said...

If no hum tv on jadoo then no more jadoo I don't want it

Shinwari said...

Jadoo is crap! Does anyone know where I can watch Hum TV?

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